Saturday, February 3, 2007

Why "i"?

Why “i”? Coz in financial world, the letter “i” synonim with “Islamic Banking”, or can also be related to Islamic finance. Then, it also can be translated into “infaq”, which means give. Because you give, and you shall receive.

In this blog i’ll review about Islamic financial tips and all about personal finance world.

Any comment, recommendation or suggestion are highly appreciated.


Raizu said...

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Unknown said...

As professional and licensed financial planners houston, we will sit down with you and together we will know what your financial possibilities are what your goals are and we will have a warm lifestyle talk as well. Financial planning needs all these infos to make sure that all holes will be covered and everything will be laid out. Based on you possible scenarios, we will help you redirect your focus and your efforts to your goals and we will help you decide when and how to safely invest to make sure that you get a good return for whatever you invested in to boost your financial stability.

inflation hedge funds said...

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